Thursday, October 1, 2009

1) "The Perils of Indifference" is like precariousness of callousness.

2) The ending of "The Lottery" is very shocking an unexpected. We as readers would think that the story was very unrealistic due to the fact of people killing there own for no reason what so ever, but if you think about this, this kind of stuff happens everyday in our world. For example the Rawanda genocide, the Hutu's and the Tootsies. These people started to kill there own and didnt stop. It turned in to a blood bath. "The Lottery tells us that they have the lottery ticket every year, and once person must die. The Holocaust people had been sent on a ship hoping to get off in Canada to be safe and away from the Nazis and when they got here we turned them down because we didnt want any part of it, we didnt care because it didnt have anything to do with us. That is the reason why people die everyday, because we dont pay enough attention to those who need our help. The world needs to change, otherwise we will all fall apart.

3) Elie Wiesel's speech " The Perils of Indifference" is very true and relates to "The Lottery" in many ways. The speech shows us how the world really is, and how much we do and care for things and people. One thing that stuck out to me was "It is so much easier to look away from victims. It is so much easier to avoid such rude interruptions to our work, our dreams, our hopes." Those sentences stand out to me a lot because it is 100% true. We don't want anything to get in our ways. We think it is easier to avoid the things in the world like innocent children dieing in Africa, to keep our mind focused on ourselves. For example a commercial that I see a lot on TV has to due with African children dieing from diseases, so when this commercial comes on 50% of people will just change the channel because they don't want to see the kids like that. If people actually paid attention to the commercial and we did something about it, we would make CHANGE.

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