Friday, October 9, 2009

Novel Research

The novel that I have started is called Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden. The setting is placed during World War I. It takes place in the wilderness in Northern Ontario and on the battle feilds of France and Belgium. World War I was a deadly and bloody battle. More than 70 million military personnel were mobilized in one of the largest wars in history. The immidiate cause of the war was the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinend of Austria on June 28th 1914. The major battles of World War I are The Battle of Verdun (1916), The Battle of The Marne (1914,1918), The Battle of Ypres(1914,1915,1917), The Battle of Somme (1916), and finally The Battle of Cambrai (1917). Native People were the number one on the list for volunteering for the war.

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