Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Use these words.. Dogs, Beach, Trainer, Bills and Pie

Dear Diary,
Today was one hell of a day. I thought weekends were suppost to be fun and relaxing, but mine was not. I was going to sleep in but then my dog started barking and jumped into my bed, woke me up, and I started my day off with headache. So I jumped into the shower and took my time but then I realized that I was going to be late for my personel workout with my trainer that was going to happen in less than 15 minutes when it will take me another 30 mins to get there. So I quickley jumped out of the shower and put on my sweats and drove there in a hurry. Once I got there he had been waiting for over 30 minutes, and he looked like he was going to kill me. When I walked towards him he was ready to give me a lecture on being late and how it is very rude, but once that was over I had to get down to work. We went for about an hour and a half and I was completely exhausted. He then gave me a recipe for a healthy protein filled pie, and he said that it would help me get natural proteins and the vitamins for me to stay fit. Today was the last of the traning so I had to pay up today. So then he told me to "pay up the bills". I handed over the money and then he left, and the place where we usually work out is creally close to the beach and I was really hot. So to cool down I jumped in and felt wonderfull. What a tiring day.

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