Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hypocrite, Cookie Jar, City, Telephone

Dear Diary,

Today was a day like every other day. I woke up this morning around six thirty and felt like I had no energy in me. I thought it was my blood sugar had dropped so I quickly took a shower and had some Cheerios and grabbed a cookie from the cookie jar. I felt a bit better until my telephone rang. It was was neighbor who always tells me to rake the leaves because when the wind picks up all of the leaves go into his yard. He is one of the biggest hypcrites ever because he calls me to tell me to rake but when I look over at his yard his yard is also a mess. So that means I have to go outside and rake in the cold. So thats what I did and when I finished, I was still kind of mad because he called me and other things so I threw some of the leaves in his yard! After I finished I felt like haveing a nice glass of milk. So when I opened the fridge I noticed that there was no milf left. That means I have to go into the city to go buy some in the freezing weather when I'm tired. So when I get to the store I buy the milk and some other groceries that I needed and am about to leave when I noticed my car was getting towed for being in the 15 min parking for 20 min. That is how my day went.

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