Thursday, September 24, 2009


Every since the first time I watched a NBA basketball game on TV, I have always wanted to play. I started playing basketball on a school team in grade 4. We didn't actually have games against other schools. It was more like a camp. We did a lot of different types of drills which taught us the basics of basketball. I was probably one of the worst players on the court. When I realized that I wanted to get somewhere with the game, I would have to practice really hard. This year I got the Athelete of the year award, was not easy to get. Had to go through a lot of challenges and rough times during basketball games and volleyball games too. Most players in high school play there sports during the years and stop when they graduate. I don't want that, I want to continue on and hopefully play basketball for a University team or if that does not happen then I would join a club team or a community team. I have seen old Friends that have graduated from high school that played basketball through there four years in school and stopped, and the result of that they gained an extreme amount of weight and got lazier than ever. That is another reason I do not want to stop playing the sport. Whenever there was a game to be played or a tournament, It wasn't about winning that I cared about the most, it still was important but not as important as playing the game I play to have fun and learn.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Top Three

I am going to pick my top three basketball players. I will pick them according to there skills, coachablility, strength, and shot. For my first choice, I chose Ray Allen from the Boston Celtics. Ray Allen is a shooting guard, who has a great fast shot which is consistent. Some players usually get either really mad if they are not playing well, and then there are some players who can accept failure and learn from it. That is how Ray Allen is, he doesn't give up. He averages about 20 points per game, and that is why the Boston Celtics won the NBA finals last year. My second choice for a basketball player is Kevin Garnett. He is the most confident and inspiring player in the NBA in my opinion. He gives it 110% every time he steps on the floor, and does it with confidence. If a player on his team is not doing good and starts to give up, he always try'sto help out and bring them back to where the should be. He wants every game to be a game he wont regret, a game were he can look back and say that I couldn't have done it any better. For my third choice I would choose Andrea Baragani. He plays for the Toronto Raptors. He is a big guy who would usually play post but he has a awesome shot from the three. He has made a big impact for the Toronto Raptors, and is going to help in the long run. He is also a team player who usually very competitive and committed.

Friday, September 11, 2009


If I could choose one superpower, I would choose the power to be able to fly. You would be able to get around to places without walking or driving. It would help in many ways like if you wanted to get over a wall or wanted to go see the view from the top of a mountain, I could fly there. For example if I got sent to prison, it wouldn't be hard to get over the wall. If I was to go to a park and my basketball got stuck ontop of the net, I wouldnt have to waste my energy and trying jumping, I would fly up and get it without a problem. Life would be so much easier. The airplane repair indurstry would be the perfect job for me because I would be able to fly up and fix it in the air!
